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DINE: Account

The Data-driven Interactive Narrative Engine (DINE) is a platform for playing and writing free-text interactive fiction. It was developed at the University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies.

You do not need a login account in order to play DINE scenarios. You only need to sign-up if you want to author new scenarios of your own for others to play. Authoring DINE scenarios is easy and fun, and feels much more like writing a short story than programming a computer.

Create a new account

Your username should be between 3 and 15 characters long, and should contain no spaces or special characters.

Your email will be stored only so that we can contact you if you forget your username or need to reset your password. We will not email you otherwise nor share your email address with anyone else.

Your password will be securely stored in our records (salted and hashed). However, to ensure your safety and privacy, you should not select a password that you use for other websites.


Request a username reminder

Forgot your username?

Don't worry - it happens all of the time. Enter your email address here, and you will receive an automated response email that lists the username(s) associated with the email address.


Change your password

Would you like to change your password? No problem! Just verify your existing account information and provide us with a new password.

Your new password will be securely stored in our records (salted and hashed). However, to ensure your safety and privacy, you should not select a password that you use for other websites.


Reset your password

Forgot your password? We do not know what it is, either, so you will have to select a new one.

Step 1

To reset your password, first enter your username. We will send a message to the email address associated with the username and provide you with an authorization code.


Step 2

Then, enter this code here aong with your new password, and we will update our records.

Your authorization code can only be used one time. If you need to reset your password again, please request a new authorization code.

Your new password will be securely stored in our records (salted and hashed). However, to ensure your safety and privacy, you should not select a password that you use for other websites.